Catalyzing the Sector

Since 2020, the CANIE founding members elected a global board and began the work of organizing the highest levels of the sector and creating the structure for chapters to grow and thrive.

The Global Board composed of the Board Leadership Team (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), Regular Board Members, Chapter Leadership, and a Student Representative. As the number of chapters grows around the world, the number of members on the board will change.

In 2023, the leadership and regular board members are as follows:

President- Ainslie Moore

Vice-President - Deborah McAllister

Secretary - Emily O'Callaghan

Treasurer - Kelly Davis

Regular Member - Antonio Gutiérrez

Regular Member - Noreen Lucy

Regular Member - Monica Perez-Bedmar

Regular Member - Douglas Proctor

Regular Member - Emily Merson

Regular Member - Maria Nemchinova

Regular MemberLaverne Samuels

Student Member - Vacant

Chapter Governance

Chapter Leadership is elected to support local international education on their climate action journeys to advance the level of dialogue and raise the collective ambition of regional bodies and institutions.

Each chapter has an elected President, Vice-President, and Secretary who are tasked with organizing the chapter and advancing CANIE's interest and practitioner knowledge in the region. The chapters are responsible for growing the chapter membership, supporting the global working groups, and hosting a series of educational and networking events.

CANIE members can become active chapter volunteers by contacting us and requesting to be put in touch with the chapter leadership.

CANIE Academic Advisory Board

Research and evidence form the basis for CANIE’s content, advocacy and decisions. The Academic Advisory Board is an expert committee that helps provide advice to further strengthen CANIE’s work and influence, and will contribute to CANIE’s objectives to:

• Develop greater consciousness across the sector of how the international education sector contributes to climate change and the urgency of our need to act.

• Support our members to take practical, ambitious action to reduce the emissions associated with international operations and global mobility and to drive change within their own institutions and organisations.

• Run events, and commission or develop research, training and practical guidelines to support these aims.

The Academic Advisory Board provides advice on climate change and international education related matters or, when appropriate, responds to requests from the CANIE Global Board in relation to wider issues raised by stakeholders. The Academic Advisory Board is also asked to comment on the development of CANIE Global’s content and other CANIE produced documentation.

Academic Advisory Board Annual Report 2023