Becoming a CANIE Member is free and is the first step to getting started! Creating a CANIE account lets you save your favourite resources to come back to later and share with friends! Our work requires active volunteer members from around the world who are willing to start or join chapters, collaborate on global projects, and communicate critical information to our global network!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

The climate challenge is not just a problem to be solved; it presents an incredible vehicle to deliver experiential learning and to involve students in meaningful ways which develop core employability skills and facilitate social networks.
Join a Chapter
CANIE has a number of chapters popping up all over the world as our network grows! If you'd like to join or start a chapter, have a look at where we're working!
Volunteer with Us
Do you love communications, graphic design, accounting, governance, or have another skill you'd like to donate, check out our working groups!
Support CANIE
If you are willing and able, you can contact us to help keep our content open-access for practitioners around the world. Find out how your dollars help!

It's time for you to get involved!

Join a Chapter

CANIE has a number of chapters popping up all over the world as our network grows! If you'd like to join or start a chapter, have a look at where we're working!

Join a Committee

Do you love communications, graphic design, accounting, governance, or have another skill you'd like to donate, check out our working groups!