Get Started
The CANIE Accord and the accompanying Glasgow Paper are open and free to access for organizations looking to formalize and advance their climate action. Check out the Documents below to get started:
- CANIE Accord - Web Version
- CANIE Accord - Downloadable PDF
- CANIE Glasgow Paper - Web Version
- CANIE Glasgow Paper - Downloadable PDF
This worksheet is provided to assist potential signatories in identifying their commitments and mapping out an action plan of implementation within an organisation:
- CANIE Accord Commitments Worksheet - Downloadable Excel
List of Contributors
The individuals below were invaluable to the development of the CANIE Accord and Glasgow Paper and we want to formally recognize their contributions to advancing the goal of reducing GHG in our sector by providing a meaningful framework for change.
Lead Author
Adrienne Fusek, CANIE, USA (Global Board + Climate Justice Working Group
CANIE Accord Project Group
- Deborah McAllister, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Oceania Chapter)
- Daniel Ponce-Taylor, Intercultural Outreach Initiative (IOI), Spain (Leaders Forum participant + Europe Chapter)
- Margherita Pasquini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy (Europe Chapter)
- Tessa Lovell, Arcadia University, UK (Europe Chapter)
CANIE Accord Expert Input Group
- Betty Leask, La Trobe University, Australia
- Robin Shields, University of Bristol, UK
- Hans de Wit, Boston College, Netherlands/USA
- Georgio Marinoni, International Association of Universities, France
- Lakshmi Iyer, Sannam S4, India
CANIE Global Board
- Ailsa Lamont, Pomegranate Global, Australia (Board President)
- CJ Tremblay, Alethea Global Cooperative, Canada (Board Vice President)
- Fraser Cargill, PeopleCert, Australia (Board Secretary)
- Inemesit Williams, CANIE, USA (Climate Justice Working Group)
- Pii-Tuulia Nikula, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
- Kayla Weiss, Middlebury College, USA (Student)
CANIE Europe Chapter
- Marianne Mensah, France (Chapter President)
- Jenny Wilkinson, London Metropolitan University, UK
- Noreen Lucey, Haddington International Education (HIE), Ireland
- Monica Perez-Bedmar, Asociación de Programas Universitarios Norteamericanos en España, Spain (Chapter Secretary)
- Adinda van Gaalen, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
- James Ballantyne, Arcadia University, UK
CANIE Oceania Chapter
- Ainslie Moore, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Chapter President)
- Katy Clark, Wintec, New Zealand
CANIE Americas Chapter
- Sebastian Fernandes, FPP EduMedia, Argentina (Chapter President + Expert Input Group)
- Luke Bruce, Canada (Chapter Vice President)
- Suzanne Willever, Temple University, USA (Climate Justice Working Group)
- Amy Marcus, HubSpot, USA (Chapter Secretary + Climate Justice Working Group)
- Jacob Graff, AIFS Abroad, USA (Climate Justice Working Group)
Other Contributors
- Celia Partridge, Universities UK International, UK
- Elizabeth Frohlich, Forum on Education Abroad, USA
- Tania Suarez Mendoza, Canada
- Tracy Harris, Swinburne College, Australia
- Charlene Allen, The IC Global, UK
CANIE COP26 Climate Action Week Leaders Forum Participants and Contributors to the CANIE Accord
- Andrew Gordon, Diversity Abroad, USA
- Bobby Mehta, British Universities' International Liaison Association (BUILA), UK
- Brett Berquist, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Bronwyn Gilson, ISANA, Australia
- Caroline Hartnet, Global Victoria, Australia
- Chelsey Laird, University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP), Canada
- Christiane Schmeken, DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service, Germany
- Christina Schönleber, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), Hong Kong
- Corey Peterson, Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS), Australia
- Craig Mackey, IDP, Australia
- David Granzow, FutureLearn, Australia
- David Ssekamatte, Uganda Management Institute, Uganda
- Dorothea Antonio, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, USA
- Douglas Proctor, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Gil Latz, The Ohio State University, USA
- Ingeborg Loon, StudyLink, Australia
- James Longhurst, EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, UK
- Janelle Chapman, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), Australia
- Janet Ilieva, Education Insight, UK
- Jenny Dixon, Universitas 21, New Zealand
- Julia Lambo, Navitas, Australia
- Julie McMahon, Times Higher Education, Australia
- Kara Godwin, American Council on Education, USA
- Larissa Bezo, Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), Canada
- Leigh Kamolins, QS, UK
- Maddalaine Ansell, British Council, UK
- Matthew Riddle, Curio, Australia
- Melissa Banks, Austrade, Australia
- Melissa Torres, The Forum on Education Abroad, USA
- Michael Gaebel, European University Association (EUA), Belgium
- Piet Van Hove, European Association for International Education (EAIE), University of
- Antwerp, Belgium
- Rebecca Hall, Global Victoria, , Singapore
- Rod Hearps, ICEF, Australia
- Stephen Connelly, i-Graduate and Adventus, Australia
- Thomson Ch'ng, ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue and Australian Malaysian
- Singaporean Association, Australia
- Vivienne Stern, Universities UK International, UK
- Wagaye Johannes, Diversity Abroad, USA
- Wiseman Jack, International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA), South Africa
- Wyn Morgan, University of Sheffield, UK