
Signatory Date: May 31, 2024
Region: NY, United States of America, 10017
Address: 211 E 43rd St, 7th Flr #498, New York

General Information

Organization Type: Service Provider
Organization/Department URL:
Link to Organizational Sustainability Plan:

CANIE Accord Commitments

Basic - 7/7

Better - 1/3

Best - 3/4
Basic - 6/9

Better - 3/5
Basic - 3/4

Better - 1/7
Basic - 5/7

Better - 6/9
Basic - 2/5

Better - 2/8


Fixterra is a sustainability consultancy focused exclusively on the education sector. We help educational institutions worldwide accelerate their journeys to Net Zero. We firmly believe that the education sector has the unique power to fix climate change. Teaching by example to students and communities and influencing future decision-makers.