Barcelona SAE

Signatory Date: Sep 09, 2024
Region: Barcelona, Spain, 08013
Address: Carrer Casp, 130, 4th floor, Barcelona

General Information

Organization Type: Association
Organization/Department URL:
Link to Organizational Sustainability Plan: It is not on the web yet but I can share the PDF

CANIE Accord Commitments

Basic - 4/7

Better - 1/3
Basic - 1/9
Basic - 3/4
Basic - 3/7

Better - 2/9
Basic - 1/5

Better - 2/8


Barcelona SAE is a boutique study abroad and internship program that provides personalized attention and focuses on this beautiful Mediterranean city that we call home. Ask any of our alumni and you’ll learn about their unforgettable academic, cultural, and professional experience – one that was beneficial not only during their time in Barcelona, but has given them a personal and professional advantage for the rest of their lives.