
Signatory Date: Mar 29, 2024
Region: Maharashtra, India, 411008
Address: 8 NCL-B Colony, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune

General Information

Organization Type: Service Provider
Organization/Department URL:
Link to Organizational Sustainability Plan:

CANIE Accord Commitments

Basic - 7/7

Better - 3/3
Basic - 9/9

Better - 5/5
Basic - 4/4

Better - 7/7
Basic - 7/7

Better - 9/9
Basic - 5/5

Better - 8/8


We are an academic program provider for expertly curated short-term, experiential learning programs across and beyond Asia. Our key focus is to advance UN SDGs through education abroad. Our strength lies in providing regional expertise and opportunities that create meaningful, transformational experiences.