AIFS Abroad

Signatory Date: May 12, 2022
Region: CT, United States of America, 06905
Address: 1 High Ridge Park, Stamford

General Information

Organization Type: Service Provider
Organization/Department URL:
Link to Organizational Sustainability Plan:

CANIE Accord Commitments

Basic - 7/7

Better - 3/3

Best - 2/4
Basic - 7/9

Better - 3/5
Basic - 2/4

Better - 6/7
Basic - 7/7

Better - 8/9
Basic - 4/5

Better - 8/8


AIFS Abroad is a leading provider of cultural exchange and international education programs since 1964 with over 1.5 million students have traveled abroad on AIFS programs. With more than 50 years of experience, we have the resources and experience to provide what our students want and need in an international exchange and education program, and to safeguard their welfare around the globe.