Accademia Europea di Firenze

Signatory Date: Sep 08, 2022
Region: Firenze, Italy, 50129
Address: Via Cavour, 37, Firenze

General Information

Organization Type: Institution
Organization/Department URL:
Link to Organizational Sustainability Plan:

CANIE Accord Commitments

Basic - 5/7

Better - 3/3

Best - 1/4
Basic - 4/9

Better - 3/5
Basic - 4/4

Better - 7/7
Basic - 7/7

Better - 6/9
Basic - 5/5

Better - 5/8


AEF is in the heart of Florence, halfway between the Duomo and Piazza San Marco. The study centre is located in a late Renaissance palace, the Palazzo Niccolini, fully equipped with modern teaching technology. The city of Florence is used as a large classroom where students can immerse themselves in the art and culture of Florence while getting to know its people and institutions. AEF’s Values provide the foundations to its Vision and Mission: Respect, Community and Sustainability.